Sunday, 19 October 2008
time to get dirty...and finally be a man!
Usin tune of purple light
First book in, I was late
Got punished, for being late
Guard duty, on my birthday
WIth my rifle and my buddy and me
So yeah, I had guard duty the whole day yesterday in camp! Haiz. Quite a depressing way to spend it, but wtf! Its over. Guardin Rocky hill was quite an experience too!
Next week goin for field camp!! As one sir said, Time to get dirty, go thru be a man! Argh. I guess it will be 6 days of pure HELL then. Really gotta go, so i'll see u guys when im back, if im still in one piece! =)
Happy 20th to me!
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Have u ever wondered? Why must we serve?
Army days man. haiz haiz. Everyday lookin' forward to bookin out. The first 2 weeks to be honest, has been long and difficult. Everyday passes quite slowly, with activities lined up for us every hr, every min. And to think these 2 weeks is the 'honeymoon period'. Since bookin in on Sunday nite till yest book out, had alr did 200+ push ups. To further let us know the honeymoon is truly over.
Worst still, i was late for my first book-in on Sunday! By 5mins. Oh wtf. After that, i got to find out, my punishment was guard duty. On a saturday. So i book out on Sun mornin, book in on sun nite. Thats not all. I dragged my buddy down too. But he was cool with it, wasnt angry or anything, still felt damn guilty la. Damn stupid. To top it ALL off, the guard duty was on the saturday 2 weeks later. yups. 18 oct. Some introduction to the army for me. I think i kena blacklisted by my platoon sgt le. Almost everytime tio something from him.
Seriously gotta buck up!!!!!!
Friday, 12 September 2008
Classic pic. haha. 3 old men. =)
K X Lim
FA XP's bday!
Happy bday xiaoping! dun so stress le.
Class rep Jf. Still got a mth to go. hahahs..
Ashley! So gonna miss mambo n always meetin u ther!
Sembawang Sec gatherin!

Finally my hair...*sobs
The front
The side
Alrites. Enough of emo-ing around. Time to face it like a man! lol. haiz. gotta go catch some sleep le guys. Everyone take care! will miss ya. Hope these pics gonna entertain u enough for 2 weeks! wahahhas...
Well...B4 i leave...a little surprise preview for all...ahhahas.
Bye! Cya in 2 weeks!
J Y Lee Scott
Monday, 1 September 2008
11 days n countin!
My day job, immature enough to work for my parents, gettin' angry and irritated easily if i made any mistakes. Cant stand getting scolded or reprimanded when i dont do somethin up to their expectations. Impatient and unwilling to learn. And worse off, turn to drinking after that. When will i finally learn to be mature enough to not be so short-tempered? Instead put my head down to actually offer a real helpin hand to my parents? i wanna change. Really do.
My part-time job, made me realise how slow am i, at picking up new stuffs. How long hav i been workin ther? Since like a yr ago? Although i stopped for quite a while in the middle, I ought to have learnt more and be more experienced. But for example, everytime its a full crowd, i tend to get confused and mess everything up. I always need reminding for everything, and needing help for every drink i make. I guess i would have long gone if we werent that short-handed. Add to that, i have had issues with some ppl ther. Do all these factors point to me being ready for the workin world? Hell no. 101% no. I would not survive a day out there.
So fortunately for me (Or NOT!), there is the National Service. Singapore's very own system to make men serve the country. Dont think there is any other country has anything like this especially comparing the duration of it. 2 years. And they say, army's fun, army will change your life, army is the best 2 yrs of your life whr u dun have to think abt anything. I would like to think that it will truly change me for the better, of coz! haha..Perhaps losing a couple of strands of hair is part of the process of 'maturing' too..hahas...Just wanna enjoy my last 2 weeks, and goin in with a peace of mind.
11 days and countin'!!! =)
Monday, 25 August 2008
New look.
Anyway, I just got back from Tioman! Cool place, just sit back and relax before army calls. Probably my last chance of steppin out of Singapore, before the government locks me up here. haha..Snorkellin', Full body massage + scrub, Amazing dishes, REALLY cheap drinks, MJ =), accompanied by the blue blue sea and fantastic beach. What more can u expect from a holiday? Absouletly awesome! Ahhhh. Guess I'll not get quite a vacation like this in the very near future. Thanks XT, XL, SB for making this happen! Shall post up some pics for your viewing pleasure once i get them =)
Thursday, 7 August 2008
"Britain's got talent". Wondered how many of u actually heard of this show before? I seriously think this is like the best reality show ever. It showcases talents. No matter how u look like, it doesnt matter. How great it is if everyone in the world has one talent of its kind, wouldnt that be so cool?
If this doesnt make your day, I dont know what will =) Enjoy! Catch the other performances too if u've got the time. This show really rocks to more than the core.
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Im blogging once now only every week, not cause I dun hav the time. Hell, I stayed at home the whole weekend, no work, just sleeping and doing nothing. Its jus I dunno what to write anymore. I have nothin to confide anymore. Keepin everythin to myself. Sometimes I always think of what my mum said, I have many friends, lots of them. Too many. But, how many are ........................... ? I shall not talk abt this here. Have no wish to. Im slowly fadin nothin but a nobody.
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Past week..
Sunday, 13 July 2008
Ich bin trinken...
When i went for football this morning, i got tired so easily, and felt like i lost some agility. hahas..
Drank my week away, thats y it passed so quickly. Another eventful week. Haiz. Wonder u guys have been watching "Tang Xin Feng Bao" on SCV channel 55 lately? Its abt a family, keep quarelling here and ther, over work over everything.
I likened the show to my family currently. Not saying its exactly the same, but alike. Workin for your parents is no mean feat, not as easily as it looks. Always under pressure to NOT to put a foot wrong, to the slightest detail. U get depressed if u do, or even worse, tempers flare. I admit im quite short-tempered at times, esp. while working with your family, tend to flare up even more easily. I cant explain why, its the pressure, or the stress or u are workin for your own money anyway..I really cant pinpoint a particular reason why. And once the argument starts, it is brought back home to dinner, to the next day...Sigh..
谁为我 ?
I always help people...
but who will help me??
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Sorry if i disappointed u.
Guess I deserve this treatment.
Anyway..heres a nice song.
Leavin' by Jesse, hopefully u'll be able to follow the lyrics below.
Monday, 30 June 2008
No courage, no confidence...
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Come to think of it..I really suck at everythin I do. Basketball in pri sch, badminton, football, judo, now work, studies(although i admit im not the most hardworking). Nthg to be proud of. Im really hopeless. I dunno wad to do in my life anymore. Recently this guy auctioned off his life on the internet, hoping to start anew..and got 1+ million dollar bids. im sure mine is worth much less.
And last thing..I wanna mention abt this bunch of con-ners. Money suckers. Whatever u call them. I just wanna say have u ppl not got anything better to do, other than go ard checking here and there, tryin to suck as much money as u can? C'mon everyone knows how rich u ppl are alr..Okie. So u want to check, FINE. Had alr prepared to the smallest detail as to whr the money had gone, u still dun wanna accept, and check till 6-7 yrs back summore..And after that, add up a total LARGE sum of amt. Lemme ask u. Whr is yur conscience. DO u think we can rmb wad happened 6-7 yrs ago? Not to mention small details here and there..There are definitely discripancies..But wad u r tellin us now is u want more than wad we ought to give. DOUBLE of the amount as penalty. Are u out of yur mind? Sick corrupted ******* Anyway, I just hope the time when we decided to give in, u guys can fcuk off and leave us alone.
Military cant come soon enough. ppl say everythin is planned out for u for 2 yrs. prob. these 2 yrs mite be a critical period for me to ponder and think abt my future and life...
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Cant take it anymore!!
I know that its an answer which will wads the point? y do i still cling on? its impossible now...Really cant take this anymore..can i just heck care and come clean, and risk losing it..haiz...
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Work work..
Haiz..Its so difficult..hope I had made the right decision and wont regret it in time to come....Sorry.
Sunday, 25 May 2008
3 yrs just passed us just like that..not to mention 4 mths in germany..This day brought back some memories of the last day the program ended but not as emotional..Dun get me wrong..its was still a sad occasion..leavin all my frenz..but wad was disappointing is that even my own class, only half of them turned mite be the last time we will be meetin in such a big grp, and they couldnt care much for 3 yrs of tgtness and frenship..We dun even have a class photo with everybody in it..I never had one in secondary sch and now even in poly..haiz..but FA is still a great class..great ppl..although troubles were plenty, its all over now..lets forgive and forget yea?
well at least NCG was there so it didnt feel too bad..thank u! Love u guys a lot really..hope that we can keep in contact in the future when we work, when we grow old..Best buds!! Not to forgettin the soccer gang..crazy bunch of tep sux, but it brought me this huge bunch of soccer buddies..hahaha..N my cca of coz..judo bros..Da best CCA i have joined in my life..Another huge bunch of bros..Will miss all the crazy trainin sessions over there..
Will miss school life so much! hahas..
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Our captain is back!
Yesterday was great too! Met up with classmates..haha..Mic, shing, xp, matt, kiat and jf! Great, great time..gave out presents, had manhattan dinner and went to ben and jerrys to chill..Mic you are grown skinny kiddin..And jf..yur hair is long just again just like 3 yrs
And today judo outing at last!! Havent seen the guys for so long man..Jere, Subi, Ws, Xy, Ivy, Peh, yz...met at 3+ but in the end bought movie tix for 1140 show! omg..hahas..but had a great time..esp at minds cafe..haha..The games are just cool..BUT we guys played Risk for like abt 3.5 hrs! Dummkopf! hahaha...Played true colors see wat your frens think abt u..haha..What happens in Vegas was great! Real funny..but ending was na ja...nthg special...
Scotty =)
Saturday, 3 May 2008
im back...but...
Once Shachin, Dick and me stepped out of the new Terminal 3 on 1st May abt 1630, I went straight to my family and hugged i was really thankful to my parents for giving me this opportunity..Without them, I dun tink I will even have the chance to be so emotional and all..
So...I wondered how my life will turn out to be after comin back? Even the first night felt weird..for the first time in 4 months stayin so far away from Rikson (Rikki and Dickson)..haha..ok that sounded a little gay...
First day we are back, played some football in sch...but somehow din manage to enjoy it so much..Sorta missed the Jahnhall, which is the Sports hall where we played in Deutschland..
Has been living like a dead man since then, just listenin to music, lookin at photos all day long..then realised that so much happened at home when im not around..My bro and my maid...So much!! Its like from Heaven being hit right straight to hell..
Then, is as if I left all my luck behind in Deutschland, the adapter for charging my labby spoiled, so with my LOW batt life..bottom line I cant use my labby at all..haiz..Not only this, when my dad was coming home, he scratched his car...and on the same night, when I was abt to drive out, I scratched the other car...haiz haiz...Was passiert?!?
Today I went to try to get a new adapter, costs S$160...den to top things all off...becoz my cam's LCD screen cracked in Germany, I went to fix it..I bought it just last nov...only almost half year old and still under warranty...They just told me that I have to pay for it...S$284, after Discount! WTF..Its still only half year old! The person still had the cheek to check my record and tell me, "O..u stay in Springside Ave? Den you still have to think so long meh?" Fcuk off la..Stay there big ar..Stay there den can give u all my money la..alda fresse du fisch kopf! Then came home, told them, kena nag by mum again.."told u not to...U just dun listen..." missin life there so so much TOTAL freedom..and not only that...I could actually study in my time there too..but comin many many of much of that..I sorta knew why my bro stayed in Japan till now..havin no thoughts of comin back at all...he muz be really enjoyin his life in his own way so worries..just restrain self-control at times and u'll be fine..miss it so so much..
Den, with presentations to director and students comin up, and helpin my parents in their company, trainin for napfa, can I take it? This fast pace life..sux so so much...
I wanna live in Mosbach, though its a small little town, it has everythin u need..quiet, worries, and no ppl in the streets after 6pm..hahaha...
And of coz all the frenz there...I said so many times..but i really miss them so much! haiz..
Monday, 14 April 2008
Guess this is goodbye...
Would like to thank all juniors...U definitely left footprints in my doubts abt it..
And I thank u Sascha,
when I was gettin emotional and crying the other night...U told me this wonderful line..
`Dont be sad its over, be happy beause its beautiful..´
Thanks man.
But it didnt work. Coz I think I cried even harder...hahas..
And to Helen Silvia and Beatrice for this German saying..
`We will always meet twice in life!´
I certainly hope so..
I will remember it forever...Juniors 2008 4 LiFe!
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Last 5 days in Mosbach..
On sunday, when me n rickson(rikki and dickson) are studyin for our exams on the next day, dick got emo'ed and kept sayin we are left with a week, and play "leaving" or "goodbye" songs..
We could not study at all..haiz..we came so far..I feel so at home here..we kept sayin 2 more months will be perfect..but will it? I dun tink anytime will make any diff..It is too precious to be measured by time..
Will we ever meet our class again?
The Germans who came to London with us?
Sylvia, Helen and Beatrice
The German version of Xp, Mic, Shing?
Felicitas, Lisa Durr and Anna
The Claudia Schiffer of our class and her best friend?
Tina and Melanie
The most attentive in class?
Lisa Hartmann
The best friends?
Nadja and Stefanie
The friendly horse expert?
The ever enthusiastic and course speaker?
The German monsters!?
Frank, Sascha, Stephan
The Guitarist?
And of coz the internationale!
Feat. Jernej "Beer king" Jerman and Tjasa "Master Chef" Pavli
Feat. David "Junkie" Humbert, Romain "Dancer" Bosio, Maeva "Schoko-Bons" Levy and Maud "Dennis" Bouquet!!
One and only Ekaterina "Little Ms Devil" Bolsunnn!!
Not forgetting the others who are not in the Business class...
French again!
Feat. Joseph "The Clown, Joker, DOINK" Turan, "Accident driver" Lillian, "Wow player" Francios and "Prisoner" David
"Solo samba king" Jakob!
The Germans!
"TALL, Multinational" Christina and "Party Machine" Natalia!
There are so many...that I left out...I just know it...
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Jumping in Paris and Berlin
2 capitals in 10 days!
When I wrote out what exactly we did, I had something to write every single day..
So here goes..
8th and 9th Mar
Party at a bar as it was Fang Shuai's Bday on the 9th!
10th Mar
A visit to Audi factory and production line..the new R8!! The boot is in front, engine at the back..haha
12th Mar
Pow-wow presentation!! Go see the vids in youtube! haha...So surprised that quite a lot of ppl knows abt it alr though..
14th Mar
Had Law exam + Party at David's (guy from Lyon, France) house! He has such a fantastic house damn cosy, private toilet, nice rooms...omg..
15th Mar
Party again at Heidelberg! The Internationale with some Germans, one of greatest parties of all times!
17th Mar
Internationale Buffet at my place! German, French, Slovenian, Singaporean, Russian food....Everybody ate and drunk till their hearts content...played some games too! nite!
19th Mar
Bowling with our whole class with Econs lecturer Robin Gowers! One of very few class outings...rox to da core!
"Let's go Robin, Let's go!!"
"One Robin Gowers, Theres only one Robin Gowers, one Robin Gowwwweeerrsss, theres only one Robin Gowers!"
Hes a liverpool fan though....shisse...And he predicted Newcastle might be relegated! ARGHHH!!
Unforgettable...He made Econs so interesting...Turned out to be my fav module so far here...And to think it was my least fav mod when i came here..haha..what a turnaround..
20th Mar
Okie...this is crazy...before lunch our slovenian fren rushed home as he had to rush for a train and a bus to Paris for the long weekend...We had nothing in mind yet...ANd after lunch...we still could not come to a decision where to go..
As walking back to school, I told the guys, if i had known, I would have followed Nejc to Paris! Den FS said you still have 20-30mins, still can make it?!
Den i looked at Dick, and we made the craziest decision in my whole life..We called Nejc and told me we are going! We rushed back to school packed our stuff ran back home packed our stuffs and to the train station. So much happened once we got on the train, its just cannot be described in words..So we were off to Paris till 24th Mar..
25th Mar
Its snowing in Mosbach! and heavy snow at last! haha...Its so different...the roof of the houses..and we had our first snowball fight! la! but 4 Sporeans guys vs 1 Slovenian guy..guess who won? Slovenian! Unbelievable...
26th Mar
Economics exam in the morning!! Didnt sleep much at all the day b4..and after the exam guess wad? trip to BERLIN till 30th...with the class! Its really fun, great parties...and the craziest nite in our time everyone will agree...hahhaa...
So now...we are back in Mosbach, finally able to take a deep breath...after an eventful march..anybody disagrees? haha...
I really dun wanna go back....Im afraid that I will be homesick when I go back..I will be so lost when i go back....I will be so...i dunno....I....I....nvm...
Jus wanna treasure my remaining time here..with all my frenz from all over the world...
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
pow-wow presentation vids
This is the 1st part, take note there are 11 parts altogether..haha..Enjoy!
Sunday, 16 March 2008
the past 2 weeks..
Can u guess what is it?? Bak Kut Teh!!!! wahahahas...
Another one for bro, Becks barrel..I will ask whether can send u anot..
Wait for my good news..hehe.. Guess wad again? Hainanese chicken rice!!!
Our law teacher, Mrs Janet Hale from Austin, Texas!
Hope you like our curry! haha..
It has been LAW for the past 2 weeks! LAWWW...hahas..and of course fun as well..lols..
And this week we are starting with Economics..I tink i had a good first day, our professor,
Dr Robin Gowers, has never made econs so interesting! haha..cant believe im actually following his classes quite
He is from England and supports liverpool (scheisse!)
but the good thing is he promised to gimme +10marks to pity me bcoz of Newcastle's plight now..
So we also had this pow-wow presentation last week...where everyone in our class presentsabout their own country to everyone, and prepare some local delicacies..
We prepared Buk Kut Teh and Chicken curry!!! And I think everyone loved it! Whew....hahaha..
We also did a song (Home, of coz..haha), presentation and skit! haha..i tink its funny..
I will upload the vids on guys check it out! haha..
Less than a month left!! Haiz..sianz...I think i will really tear when i leave this place and everyone here...Really havin' the time of my life..Scott