Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Have u ever wondered? Why must we serve?

Selemat Hari Raya! 2nd book out in a matter of days. How cool is that man! haha.

Army days man. haiz haiz. Everyday lookin' forward to bookin out. The first 2 weeks to be honest, has been long and difficult. Everyday passes quite slowly, with activities lined up for us every hr, every min. And to think these 2 weeks is the 'honeymoon period'. Since bookin in on Sunday nite till yest book out, had alr did 200+ push ups. To further let us know the honeymoon is truly over.

Worst still, i was late for my first book-in on Sunday! By 5mins. Oh wtf. After that, i got to find out, my punishment was guard duty. On a saturday. So i book out on Sun mornin, book in on sun nite. Thats not all. I dragged my buddy down too. But he was cool with it, wasnt angry or anything, still felt damn guilty la. Damn stupid. To top it ALL off, the guard duty was on the saturday 2 weeks later. yups. 18 oct. Some introduction to the army for me. I think i kena blacklisted by my platoon sgt le. Almost everytime tio something from him.

Seriously gotta buck up!!!!!!


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