National Slavery awaits me in 10hrs. I dunno what to expect!! o man. Just so sianz. Without my laptop for 2 weeks is just unbearable, i tink. People always say that it will be the best 2 yrs of our lives of somethin, is it really? Im not doubting i wont enjoy, but i just hate the period leading up to it. like NOW. Its just so depressing. And the gatherings these past 2 weeks has been so great. Pics below..
JUDO at Sakura
Classic pic. haha. 3 old men. =)
K X Lim
FA XP's bday!
Happy bday xiaoping! dun so stress le.
Class rep Jf. Still got a mth to go. hahahs..
Ashley! So gonna miss mambo n always meetin u ther!
Sembawang Sec gatherin!
NyP frens

Sherry's new cam. hahas..

Group pic.

Finally my hair...*sobs
The front
The side
Alrites. Enough of emo-ing around. Time to face it like a man! lol. haiz. gotta go catch some sleep le guys. Everyone take care! will miss ya. Hope these pics gonna entertain u enough for 2 weeks! wahahhas...
Well...B4 i leave...a little surprise preview for all...ahhahas.
Bye! Cya in 2 weeks!
J Y Lee Scott
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