Can u guess what is it?? Bak Kut Teh!!!! wahahahas...
Another one for bro, Becks barrel..I will ask whether can send u anot..
Wait for my good news..hehe.. Guess wad again? Hainanese chicken rice!!!
Our law teacher, Mrs Janet Hale from Austin, Texas!
Hope you like our curry! haha..
It has been LAW for the past 2 weeks! LAWWW...hahas..and of course fun as well..lols..
And this week we are starting with Economics..I tink i had a good first day, our professor,
Dr Robin Gowers, has never made econs so interesting! haha..cant believe im actually following his classes quite
He is from England and supports liverpool (scheisse!)
but the good thing is he promised to gimme +10marks to pity me bcoz of Newcastle's plight now..
So we also had this pow-wow presentation last week...where everyone in our class presentsabout their own country to everyone, and prepare some local delicacies..
We prepared Buk Kut Teh and Chicken curry!!! And I think everyone loved it! Whew....hahaha..
We also did a song (Home, of coz..haha), presentation and skit! haha..i tink its funny..
I will upload the vids on guys check it out! haha..
Less than a month left!! Haiz..sianz...I think i will really tear when i leave this place and everyone here...Really havin' the time of my life..Scott
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