Sunday, 13 September 2009

Nothing beats lazin at home when nothing seems to be going right for u. Sigh.

German's getting more fun as time pass.
Ich bin Fitness Ausbilder beim Militar!! haha.

Started my first self-learn guitar session with zq which rocked!! 'Cause im the man who can't be moved...'

But not sure whether i should apply for lessons? coz i totally have no confidence that I will be able to learn it all by myself. damn.

Training with the diver trainees kinda fun and meaningful, but looking at their bodies, i thought to myself, 'should they be training me instead?' Monster-lookin bodies, im tellin ya.
Gotta make my lessons more interesting though. Im sorta just going thru the motion, teaching what im supposed to, sayin what im suppose to say. Gotta buck up!!!

Been to a wakeboarding session as well. I actually did it! I managed to stand up and took on the waves. hahaha. Really cool sport to play, but DAMN expensive one. 90 bucks for 4 hrs. per person. Woooo. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience though.

Lastly, finally. One more month to my 21st! Whew. Its abt time it came. After attending so many already. LOL.

Random pics to follow.

Buddy Kirby suitting up.


Leong Beng gettin ready to jump!

My watch! haha. But is it me?

'Why am i doin this?!' kinda face.

Spidey Shaun.

Instructor JM sharin his thoughts.

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