I think i deserved to get laughed at, even though she didn't mean it.
At least others knew what they wanted.
Which is extra time to study.
And they got the results they desired.
But me?
I was contemplating, to go or not to go, until the very last moment.
So I thoroughly deserve the results that I've gotten.
And can blame no one about it.
I want to be optimistic.
Like a particular friend of mine.
Always looking forward to reading his tweets.
Full of optimism.
But I always fail myself.
Every time, and i mean, EVERY TIME whenever i encounter problems, i just break down.
I can never face it like a MAN.
Such a failure.
Disappointment to my family.
Disappointment to you.
Should never have came in the first place and wasted all my parents' money.
Pray and hope for a better semester.